Thursday, June 5, 2014

May 27th Oak Harbor, Whidbey Island

                                                   Belweather Hotel in Bellingham

May 27th

Oak Harbor, Whidbey Island

Rain and wind conditions were expected so we decided to stay another day at Bellingham. This bonus day gave us a chance to get the Belle shipshape and our bodies a bit more rested. This vacationing takes a lot out of you!

Took a walk and found some fish and chips at the Bella Dona near the fishing boat marina. Out of curiosity, we walked into the Harbor Office and asked about moorage. To our astonishment, we were told there was a 10 year waiting list!!  We were only looking for maybe a couple of months but even that isn’t a possibility unless someone vacates their spot for that long.  Quite a popular place!

It was a 6:00 shove off this morning (ugh!).  The weather was perfect and the ride through Deception Pass was trickier than David expected at slack tide but manageable. When we cruised by the La Connor Channel we witnessed a convoy of crab fishing boats speeding out off to work.

 After almost 6 hours of cruising, we arrived at the fuel dock in Oak Harbor. We were going with the tide so reached almost 12 knots…we were racing across the water!  David had checked fuel prices and once again the best bargain was here, plus we got free moorage for filling up!

David is in his element here in Oak Harbor. We have had several curious boaters visit us on the dock asking questions about the Belle. David loves “show and tell”.  For whatever reasons, good or not so good, she definitely stands out wherever she goes.

We are celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary today!  The fuel dock operator gave us a recommendation for a “gourmet” restaurant in walking distance.  The wine will flow tonight!  Hopefully, we lovebirds will find our way back to the boat…

We have surpassed our 3,000 total nautical miles (since connecting our navigation system) on this trip.  Cheers to us!

                                        Enjoying watching the chefs at work

It’s 8:30 in the evening right now and we have just returned from a marvelous dinner at Fraser’s.  We sat at the bar and watched the chefs perform their magic before being seated at our table. They put on quite a show for us. I had black cod (sable fish) in a saffron sauce that was amazing! We reminisced about our 35 years together…what a ride!

We are trying to decide whether or not to stay another night.  There is another storm coming in tomorrow, and we were invited by one of the yacht club members to come over to their “club house” for a chicken and steak dinner Wednesday night…”Best deal in town”.  

While waiting for our taxi tonight (my dress shoes were not walking shoes), the fuel dock attendant and the VP stopped to ask us if we wanted a ride to the restaurant. This has to be one of the friendliest marinas we have ever visited. David was engaged in conversation earlier today for at least 30 minutes with a gentleman who shared his tales of sailing across the Atlantic Ocean and working various jobs in all the different ports. Fellow boaters here are quite helpful and gregarious.

                                         This was absolutely delicious!

 A monument to the grand purse seiners which was another lifetime for our Lillian Belle.

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