Saturday, June 20, 2015

Pender Harbour

                                                                  We have arrived!

We are now docked at the Fisherman’s Resort and Marina in Pender Harbour. We have been here before and love it. Last time we were here, we connected with friends of Jessica’s, Kusum and Tom, who own and operate the Sundowner Inn. The building used to be the old hospital. We got a tour last time and they have created a very inviting and lovely get-a-way. Hopefully, we will get to see them again this trip. We try to stick to a minimum of two nights at a destination. It will be a welcomed relief to have some down time after the long cruise we had (and early morning!).  I might even catch up with my blog.

Whiskey Gulf was actively testing explosives starting at 7 a.m. this morning, so David figured a way to skirt along the no-boating zone up around the west end of Lasquiti and Texada Islands. We saw one pleasure boat in the restricted area and he was courteously warned by the Winchelsea Island Look-out Station and asked to vacate the area (thankfully, he was not used for target practice!)

It was a five hour trek across to Pender Harbour where we were met by Steve at the marina and given a helping hand with docking. Phew!
We had a windy night in Nanaimo but this morning the waters were calm. David brought a cup of coffee to me around 6:00 a.m. and said, “You know, the earlier we leave, the smoother the waters.”  We hauled out of there at 7:00.

                                 Our temporary home at Fisherman's Marina

In Nanaimo, a boat similar to ours cruised by and the owner yelled out, “How old is she?”  David yelled back that our boat was built in 1946. She responded, “Ours is 1945…we beat you by a year!”  We wooden boat people are competitive.

I am enjoying a cocktail as I write…a dark and stormy, to be exact. It’s good to have a bartender aboard.

Early evening we walked to the Green Bay Pub to hear a blues singer. He was wonderfully entertaining. We plan to head up again tonight to enjoy his music.  I had almost 11 hours of sleep last night!  I even slept through the noise of the bow thrusters on the yacht docked behind us early this morning. Wait until our neighbors hear our engine start up tomorrow morning!

                                            Path to the Green Bay Pub

Docking is so different from anchoring. We have very close neighbors and we aren’t used to hearing whole conversations from nearby boats. We are docked next to a very nice man who owns a home on Dodds Narrows. He is quite entertained watching boats navigate through that pass especially when there is a tug and barge going through and other boats are in panic mode.

The sun rises around 5:30 and it is still light at 10:00.  We’re in bed usually around 9:00…not quite the party animals.  Last night, we could hear the conversation of our neighbors outside our opened stateroom windows...felt like we were guests at the party. We tend to leave our stateroom windows   open as well as our stern door at night to let in the cool air. We might rethink the door, however, since we had an unexpected visitor last night.

Around midnight, David woke up hearing the sound of an animal leaving our stateroom. He jumped up and closed the door and then went to investigate. He found one of our plastic food containers which we store under the stove abandoned in the middle of the galley floor. He could hear a crinkling sound outside so he figured that what he discovered to be a raccoon, had indeed found something to eat. That morning we realized it was an energy bar stored in an open box under the sink in our stateroom. The raccoon had been right beside our bed…lucky for me, it was David’s side!

                          The potted plants all along the docks are a nice touch.

David discovered that the seagulls that followed us out of Nanaimo looking for food, were indeed angry. They left a major poop mess on our boat deck! A wash down is in order.

It is a lovely lazy day and we both needed it. Sat out on the bow this morning having breakfast and reading. Watched a few sailboat owners prepare to shove off. It’s quite the ritual. We heard the sounds of people greeting fellow boaters and friends discussing the weather and recent sailing adventures. It’s a good life.

                        Early morning relaxation with our mascot basil plant

Fun boat name:  Exit Plan


I stand corrected…the sun starts to peek out around 4:00 in the morning not 5:00. I know this because we were up at that ungodly hour in order to depart Hospital Bay and head north. We have a long voyage today so in spite of my sleepy protests, it makes sense to get an early start. Holding on to my third cup of coffee, I just wished I was more of a morning person.

We are cruising down Malaspina Strait at 7:30 a.m. with Texada Island on our port side. We are farther north than we have ever ventured. On to new adventures!

Yesterday we rejuvenated ourselves… no major chores. I am on my third book and David just started his fifth one.  It seems that the only time I have to read now is when we are boating. Filled our water tank, disposed of our garbage and got caught up on my blog while docked. We did return to the Green Bay Pub to enjoy the music last night. The local Slo-Cat operator (tours and taxi boat) got up and sang a couple of tunes. One of the chefs even accompanied the guitarist/singer with his flute. Is everyone in Pender Harbour musical? They do hold a Blues Festival and Jazz Festival each year. Would be fun to attend.

On our way to the pub we stopped in at the Sundowner Inn hoping to see Kusum and Tom. Unfortunately, they were not in so just left a card with some guests to give to them. Disappointing. They are such nice people. Their reviews on Yelp attest to their great hospitality at the Inn.

On the recommendation of our dock neighbors, we dropped a couple of crab pots last night and came up with one colossal crab!  We’ll have yummy appies tonight!

We had hoped to cruise up through the Princess Louisa Inlet to Chatterbox Falls while in the Pender Harbour area, but you have to pass through Malibu Rapids to get there.  We are such a slow moving vessel that timing the slack tide for us to be able to cross the Rapids within our “comfort zone” wasn’t going to happen. Perhaps on our way south we can try again.

Our goal today is to reach the entrance to Desolation Sound and anchor at Galley Bay.  We decided not to stop at Powell River or Lund on our way mainly because we did not want to deal with populated vacation destinations with little or no anchorage. More research needs to be done on these areas…we know that friends have really enjoyed their time in both spots so we’re sure they are worth exploring…maybe we’ll venture in on our way back after quizzing our friends about them.

We plan to attend a Pig Roast at Echo Bay in The Broughtons on July 17th so have lots of time to mosey through the inlets of the Sound which promise to be breathtakingly beautiful.  We hope to connect with friends from the Fraser River, Dennis and Pam, before enjoying the pig roast together. Other than that, no plans at all…just taking it day by day. 

About 7 hours later, we arrived at Galley Bay on the Gifford Peninsula part of the Desolation Sound Marine Park and Predeaux Haven. We have a small cove all to ourselves, an excellent spot to practice our kayaking skills.

 Not sure what Captain Vancouver was thinking when he named this area “Desolation”…there’s no despair or misery about this place…absolutely serene and gorgeous…maybe he was just having a bad day.

I let David win at Cribbage…after all, it is Father’s Day!



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