Saturday, July 4, 2015

Galley Bay

                                                                 Will it fit in the pot?


It’s our second day in Galley Bay…an anchorage with a magnificent view. David greeted me this morning with, “The silence is deafening around here.” When it finally got dark around 11:00 last night, it was really, really dark…cave with no lantern dark. The only complaint is the constant annoyance of mosquitoes and wasps that seem to love me. Hand me that fly swatter!

We have taken over this small cove with the mass of our boat. Thought we would attach a stern line but then spotted signs all along the shore…”Private Property”… so we just swing with the current.

Spent the morning studying charts and books to plan out our next move. Looks like we will just take a short cruise tomorrow to Squirrel Cove on Cortez Island. David is thinking we should plan more time in The Broughtons since Desolation Sound is more accessible to us for future destinations. We will skip visiting the “hot spots” such as Refuge Cove and return when it is not the high season for boaters…too much competition for space in those most popular areas, and we need a lot of space! 

                                          Entering Desolation Sound

We took our skiff out for a cruise around the bay during the late morning. Spotted some very nice cabins with docks and solar panels. This is a part of a Marine Park, but apparently, these homes were here before the park, so they remained private property. We gazed at them with envy. Sure would be nice. There’s only one other boat anchored on the other side of the Bay. We definitely found the ideal spot for our first venture into the Sound.

Braved the kayak again tonight. Our first attempt a year ago was not all that successful. I still have not mastered the “art of the oar” but David is quite skilled at keeping us on course and going forward. We glided over to a section of the Bay that had incredible oyster beds.  Thousands of shelled creatures clung to the rocky shore and surfaced rocks. David was salivating. Returning to the boat, I attempted my dismount, though comical and awkward, I managed not to send David overboard. Much to be practiced and learned, but it sure was peaceful and great fun.

                                                          Snug in our little cove

David decided to clean the canvas “windows” and was dangling from the back of our boat. My job was to hand him materials and fish him out of the water if it came to that. I have to admit the scrub really made a difference…we have a lovely view from the stern now. We decided to tow our skiff so now we can actually see if it is still behind us as we motor on and that’s a good thing.

I am trying to get up earlier these days. The mornings are incredibly lovely. David still beats me by hours and this morning he started painting the railing up on the boat deck before I got up. Unlike David, I am never thinking about projects that need to be done when we are cruising…I am in total vacation mode.

Anchor up late morning and off to Squirrel Cove.

                                  Risking life and limb for clear windows!
                                                    Making waves


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