Last night still tethered to
the Public Dock on Minstrel
Island, we could hear the
rumble of the wind across the water before it slammed into our boat…all night
long. We were so grateful to be attached
to a dock. The northwesterly wind which
was forecasted turned into a southerly blast for us. Gale force winds are
predicted to continue throughout the entire weekend. We are planning to leave
for Port Elizabeth
tomorrow which is only 10 nautical miles away at the mouth of Knight
Inlet. Hopefully, we will find good
David wanted very much to
take the trail on the island, and I didn’t want him to go alone. I got my metal
can filled with coins… perfect for my bear repellent rattle and David was armed
with our air horn…so off we went for our two hour walkabout. We followed a logging road for a time and then
found a narrow trail with lush growth of unknown berries, hollyhocks, and
gorgeous purple flowers yet to be identified. This path just lead us to the
well of one of the neighboring houses. Their generator was operating a water
pump…pumping water from their well to a holding tank. We turned around so we
wouldn’t trespass and explored one of the abandoned buildings.
Trying to follow the path
I would have loved to have seen this place in
its heyday. We have read that it was the seasoned Fisherman’s “headquarters”
for relaxation and camaraderie and the center of activity in The Broughtons at
one time. The large building we explored looked like it had been deserted in
haste. There were empty boxes scattered about along with furniture, vacuum cleaners,
computer parts, small appliances, headboards, mattresses, freezers, washing
machines, dryers, ice maker, desks, space heaters, and even some skivvies
hanging over a line above the wood burning stove! What a shame to have such a fascinating part
of local history just sit and decay, but
I can just imagine the cost of having it restored to it’s glory days.
Haven't yet identified these lovely flowers
The fog rolled in slowly over
the mountains early in the evening. The winds didn’t pick up until after
midnight and then continued into the morning which had not happened before.
Usually, the mornings brought calmness. We were going to head out to Port Elizabeth but
decided to stay put here for another day and get some staining done and not fight the winds and waves. Having
lots of time on this trip gives us much more flexibility which is a luxury.
I am definitely not one to be
glued to my computer, ipad or my phone which I rarely have turned on, but not
being able to communicate with loved ones back home is a bit disconcerting. I
also have my Blog which only has three posts so far in over a month. Whenever
and wherever we finally find reliable WiFi, it will take hours to update it, I'm sure.
Public your step!
Buoys and spahgetti
Range finders on Chatham Channel...line them up and you're good to go!
Island Post Office
Looking good! What a treat to see you guys up here. Such an addiction this area is.