Thursday, June 30, 2016



We awoke to sunshine and were greeted by two bald eagles perched on a tree branch gazing down at us as if we were breakfast.  Last night the rains fell, and we were rocked a bit by the giant wakes of passing ferries. Remembered to harvest our four crabs this morning (there were a total of  13 in our pots) before departing and decided to tow our skiff behind us which meant that every half hour, Pat was sent to the back to make sure it was still attached!

It was a 5 ½ hour journey to Garden Bay in rain and sunshine with just a gentle rolling of waves. We have anchored here several times without a problem but today it took us three attempts to finally stick it. The temperatures have ranged from low 50’s to low 60’s. Our heater is not working on this trip but so far, it hasn’t been missed. Our diesel stove keeps putting out some great heat.

David continues to tinker with our water maker. Yep, it’s still a work in progress. It was taken home in March and David fiddled with it ordering parts galore.  He is determined to get it operational which means for hours, he is working in cramped quarters twisted like a pretzel. Not fun.

What’s nice about anchoring out is that you can run your generator and work on projects with little annoyance to those around you. If there is one thing I have learned about owning a boat, it is that “There’s always something!”  One is never truly “done” with all that it takes to keep this baby floating and glowing.

Last night was a feast for the eyes!  Along with our fresh crab, white Chardonnay, and melted butter, David made fresh buns…we devoured them before they even had a chance to cool off.  And if that wasn’t enough…there was more apple pie for dessert!  Boating isn’t just about getting somewhere…it’s about getting somewhere in style and more than likely, returning a few pounds heavier!

We motored over to the Garden Bay Pub for lunch and sat out on the patio. I drank only one pint of beer but sitting in the sun made me a bit wobbly. I was weaving on our attempted walk so we decided to take a cruise around the harbor instead. I had a giggle during several attempts to step down into our skiff. Boy, I’m a cheap drunk!

                                                                Table with a view

                                                  Morgan car rally at the restaurant

The harbor is nestled against steep mountains of green. Unlike home, there is little sign of any effects of last year’s drought on the trees. Pender Harbour is a complex of several coves, many of which we explored gliding past some very lovely coastal homes. We were experiencing private dock envy! 

Saw some “handyman specials” as we like to call the seasoned boats screaming for some TLC. There is quite the contrast from small wood cabins to huge designer homes, old fishing boats to pristine yachts. Something for everyone.

                                                               Garden Bay surveillance     

                                                               Enjoying the sun

                                                                 A real beauty!
                                                            A real "fixer-upper"

                                                              We found Noah's Ark!

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