Thursday, June 30, 2016



It was a long wet day yesterday which was enjoyed snug inside our boat playing cribbage, watching movies and finishing our books. Late in the afternoon David realized that he had better check the water level in the dinghy. Good thing he did…there was at least 3 inches of water which was promptly pumped out.

                                                                PUMPING AWAY

We tried out some of our rock crab and David’s grandmother’s rolling pin came in handy to crack open the extra hard shell.  Mighty tasty.

This morning was as still as a sleeping baby. No rain but no blue sky either. It was the kind of stillness that feeds the soul.  Mornings on such calm waters are the most amazing opportunities for peaceful reflections (no pun intended) and the mornings come so early here…4:00-4:30… whether you’re ready or not.

We took the dinghy out to investigate the rush of water we were hearing which we had not heard before the rains. We discovered the tail end of a waterfall emptying into the bay and while cruising out of the sound, we spotted a new larger rain fed surge of water falling beautifully down the high rocky shoreline.

                                                           Oysters and a lost buoy

                                                                   Rope swing

                                                                 Rain fed waterfall

                                        We left for Elworthy Island which is across from the opening of Pendrell Sound around 9:00a.m. When we reached the island we anchored in about 100 ft waters. David wasn’t comfortable once we got hooked because we had too much exposure. We cruised over to the small nook of anchorage indicated on our chart, but there were already three other boats anchored…we were not going to fit.

We headed to Prideaux Haven which is in the heart of the Desolation Sound Marine Park area but while passing Mink Island, David spotted what looked like the perfect  anchorage on the southeast side of the island . We are now secured in 40+ feet and at present have the entire bay to ourselves. Mink Island is a privately owned island and not part of the marine park but is conveniently located close enough for us to take our dinghy out to explore.

The Marine Park is the most popular area of Desolation Sound and the summer season has definitely begun bringing with it many vacationing boaters.  We have found that most of the anchorages in the sound are more suited for smaller boats. Many of the coves are quite small and if we aren’t the first one there, most likely there will not be room for all 58 feet and 60 tons of us.


Last night while I was getting ready for bed, David called me outside. He had heard a whale surface outside the bay. We anxiously waited for another sighting but finally gave up. It was a lovely night just the same.

My worst annoyance on this trip has been the army of mosquitoes along the way. I have counted 52 bites so far. They love me, and I cannot help but scratch which compounds the problem. I know that my real purpose here is to sacrifice my body to keep them from attacking David.

On our way out to explore the area, a seal popped his head up out of the water and then a dog came rushing down the dock barking madly. A gentleman walking over to the dog called to us, and we motored on over to speak with him. Found out he was the caretaker of the island and the four modest homes that are here. One of the owners of Mink Island also owns the Space Needle in Seattle. The caretaker and his wife have lived on the island year round for fourteen years tending to whatever is needed to be done. The owners may visit only 2 o 3 weeks during the year.  He told us that one winter, the bay actually froze over and that he has seen up to 35 boats in the bay rafted together during a holiday weekend.  Thankfully, we will be heading out of this area before July 1st which is Canada Day…a big boating weekend.

                                                      Hey, seal, I can match you bark for bark!

                                                     One of the houses on Mink Island.

                             Looks like a hot tub with a ladder leading to the bay to cool off.


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