Wednesday, May 21, 2014

May 7, 2014 Plumper Cove, Howe Sound, BC

                                                            Annacis Swing Bridge

May 7, 2014-

Plumper Cove, Howe Sound, BC

Vancouver is a city of bridges, and we passed under five of them on our way along the North Arm of the Fraser River today.  Our journey along this river of industry took us pass several lumber mills, racks of logs, dredges and pile drivers. We were delighted by two bald eagles taking flight from a raft of logs right before our eyes. I handed the camera to David as he exclaimed, “Too late. All we’re going to get is eagle butt!” Later we caught sight of a group of pre-school children and their teachers calling out to us and waving from a small bridge on shore. We tried to be as enthusiastic with our waves as they were.

As you get closer to Vancouver, the homes become more luscious; each surrounded by manicured gardens and rich green lawns. We cruised by the new marina, Milltown, which looks quite fancy, as well as several golf courses. People enjoying the coastal parks would often glance over at the Lillian Belle and wave as we passed by; some even snapped a photo of her (now that makes us feel proud!). From a distance, we are quite photogenic!

Our departure was a challenge this morning because of the swift currents on the river caused by the spring thaw…our friends call it the “fresh-it”.  David had to maneuver our trusty boat away from the dock between the old docks which form a breakwater and the beautiful Ocean Cape which is docked right behind us while wrestling with the swift current.  It took a great deal of finagling but the skipper proved himself more than capable once again.

Once free to begin our adventure, we were informed by the Annacis Railway Bridge operator that we would have to wait until a train had crossed. Could not believe what a puny train it was, too…not like those husky noisy trains that travel across that same bridge blowing their horns and screeching their breaks at 2 and 3 in the morning mocking those trying to sleep! We were bobbing around right beside our marina waiting for that wee train for about 20 minutes before we were able to get a swing.

David wanted to go to Pender Harbour but I didn’t want to travel for 8 hours today so I suggested Howe Sound which is only about a 3 ½ hour trip and part of the Sunshine Coast. I wanted to return to Snug Cove because the last time we were there, it was only for a few hours and it looked like there was a bit more to explore. Mannion Bay is where we had anchored before and that was where we were headed.

I had forgotten how difficult it had been for us to anchor there the last time, and it proved just as challenging this time. The bay is quite deep and then quickly becomes dangerously shallow very quickly as you get closer to shore. There are rocks and cables and lots of boats tied to mooring buoys not to mention the crab pots. We tried three times but could not get the hook to stick to the muddy bottom and the one time we did, David was very concerned about being too close to the rocks.

We pulled anchor and researched other possible destinations in the Sound and chose Plumper Cove where we knew we would find a safe anchorage. Many of the small bays and coves in Howe Sound have reefs, rocks or are private. Some seem much 
more suitable for smaller boats and not all have adequate protection from high winds. We are happy here but the wind has brought a chill. 

                     One of the lovely homes as we passed the city of Vancouver.


Just after we anchored, a sailboat with several aboard came along and dropped anchor.  When David noticed that they were leaving, he called out, “You sure didn’t stay long. Was it something I said?”  A gentleman called back explaining that he was an instructor and that he was teaching the art of  anchoring and now they were going to attach themselves to a mooring buoy. I am sure they picked up a few pointers by observing our technique, as well!

I was at the helm for a fair bit of the day. Found myself still zig-zagging at times...over correcting and not always anticipating. But, I am improving and the confidence level just keeps growing which is a good thing.  Our trip today took us 7 hours from engine start up to dropping the hook for the last time… we could have gone to Pender Harbour after all!  That will most likely be our next stop.

I am one game ahead of David in cribbage…it’s a good day.

                                                  Just passing through...


  1. Finally a post! Sounds like you're having fun! More please =)

  2. Yay! Nothing worse than a vicarious vacation without tales of adventure!!
