Monday, May 26, 2014

Friday Harbor, San Juan Island

                                                                        Hang on!

May 23, 2014

Friday Harbor, San Juan Island

We left Eastsound during a downpour and it was a wash of grey all the way to Friday Harbor. Because of the holiday weekend, the harbor was full of activity but we managed to find a good spot to drop the hook.

On the way into the harbor there was a sailboat motoring parallel to us at our stern. He sped up to overtake us so we slowed down to allow him to do just that. When he was nose to nose with us, one of the passengers blasted us with an air horn to get our attention (as if we didn’t see them).  We have never been honked at before!  I waved him on, then he waved us on, so we carried on. 

There was one distress call along the way. A gentleman and his dog were stuck because their propeller was wrapped by someone’s anchor line. When he was giving the Coast Guard a description of his boat he informed them, “This is the same boat that was beached two days ago.”  It just may not have been his week.

The weather cleared soon after we arrived so jumped in the skiff to explore the town. Lots of shops kept us entertained, and we ended up at a “Happy Hour” and, of course, had to try out their steamed clams and mussels which were both excellent. Ada was happy with her wheat toast.

                                                      Almost asleep

We were back to the boat by 3:00 and headed for Blind Bay on Shaw Island where David and I anchored last week. We wanted to show Ashley the town of Orcas before heading back to Bellingham. David “thrilled” us with a “Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride” on the way over to Orcas and Ada was giggling uncontrollably then suddenly, she zonked out! 

We took the girls to the Orcas Hotel and enjoyed some calamari and wine while we gazed out on to the harbor.  It was the perfect ending to a lovely day. Enjoyed some wine and cheese with Ada and Ashley on the bow while David did some office work and then had fresh prawns for dinner.  It was definitely a seafood filled day.

Can’t believe how well Ada has adjusted to the boating lifestyle!  

                                                           Orcas Hotel    

                                              Nana and Papa's bed is the best!

                                                         I'm watching you!

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