Friday, August 24, 2018

August 10th Grebe Cove to Cutter Cove

August 10th

Departed 9:15  cloudy  light fog in worse

As we headed into Retreat Passage, the fog intensified. David's eyes were focused on the radar screen working it like a video game while I concentrated on searching the water for other boats and logs. Not a pleasant ride.

Whenever we are boating in uncomfortable conditions, my pet question asked mainly in jest is always, "Why are there no other boats out here?"  Today was one of those days. We were quite alone. Luckily, the tide was in our favor and was pushing us to a screaming speed of 9.4 kts hurrying us along through our discomfort.

Blessedly, it was a short cruise to Cutter Cove...about 3 hours. Once the fog lifted, the potato chip bag was ripped open and the contents devoured. Just a little stressed.

Anchored in 36 feet. It was sunny and 69 degrees with a bit of a breeze. We were joined by a converted forest ranger boat named Forest Ranger II which is a classic beauty.

Oh, what a night we had!  Around 11:00, I noticed that David was not in bed and found him sitting in the wheelhouse watching the lightning storm over the mountains. It was a real light show and heading our way. About four hours later, we were awakened by the loud booming thunder and flashes of light. Then the rain came tumbling down. It was a mighty downpour but didn't last all that long before drifting off to the next target.

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