Saturday, August 25, 2018

August 23rd Halkett Bay to Ron Francis Marina

August 23rd  Halkett Bay to Ron Francis Marina

departed 5:40  High smoke  62 degrees

We put down the poles and fish anticipating strong easterly winds. They helped tremendously to lessen our rolling with the waves.

Unfortunately, the crab were not interested in our gourmet snack last night. Six crab made it into our traps and only one was a keeper. We showed him mercy and released him. It's the end of the summer, and we figured this usually abundant bay was pretty much crabbed out. Couldn't help but be disappointed. Would have enjoyed returning as successful hunters and gatherers to impress our friends. Can't complain, though. The crab were good to us throughout our trip.

Passed by English Bay and Vancouver but could not see a thing through the thick smoke.

It ended up being quite breezy with winds up to 20mph.  We entered the river at 8:00 am following a tug and barge.  Our boat was running slowly at 4.6  knots while we pushed against the ebb. Several speed boats passed way too closely leaving us rock in their wake. We had to blow our horn at one small "speedster" which was heading right for us at a high speed. They have much more  maneuverability then we do and can more easily turn and dodge. That driver must have been distracted because he didn't make a move until the very last minute. Yikes!

Dave had to act quickly when a tug pulled out of a dock towing a barge within a quarter mile of our boat. He had to put the Belle in reverse. Way more excitement then needed.

The bridge was not operating so we had to circle the island in shallow depths. We cruised into our new spot on the dock at 12:30. We are no longer in the tight corner which was so difficult to exit on the day we departed in May. We are so grateful.

We were greeted by Ron and Lynne who congratulated us on  completing our quest. Ron remarked to Dave, "Figured you would be hard to live with now. You probably think you're some kind of Christopher Columbus!"

Millions have made the same journey, but for us it had been a test of our resilience and resolve.  It was also the fulfillment of a dream, and along the way I found myself growing even more in love with my husband.  Oh, Captain, my Captain...thank you for keeping us safe and staying so positive even when there was a bit of whining in your ear.

                             Celebrating Ron's 90th birthday two days after we returned.


110          days away from home

97             days of boating

65             destinations

49              anchorages

14              docks/marinas

 2,467        nautical miles

3.1             average gallons per hour

2.0            average miles per gallon

36.2          average miles per sailing day

  6             average hours sailed each sailing day

385           sailing days

   6kts       average speed

1,431       total fuel usage (gallons)


  1. I am curious what is a sailing day?

  2. I am curious what a sailing day is?

  3. I am curious what a sailing day is?

  4. Patricia, we found this blog because we are looking at your boat for sale. We are a couple with two children that are interested. Can you contact us at my wife's email,
