Friday, August 24, 2018

August 20th Squirrel Cove

                                                                     Anita's dog, Wyser

 August 20th  Squirrel Cove

Anita had left her phone on our boat last night so Dave and I took the dinghy over to her home this morning to return it.  Her trusty dog, Wyser, barked continually at us as we approached the house. After gaining his trust,  we were allowed to pass, and he was our friend from then on. We enjoyed a cup of coffee and made arrangements to bring our boat over to her dock later on that day in order to take on some of her sweet well water.

It was so smokey in the bay that my eyes were irritated, and I got an annoying headache. The smoke is worse than yesterday. Pam and Dennis are only on their third day of a three week cruise. Sure hope they find some clear skies somewhere along the way.

                                                             Smokey Cove

When we hauled our anchor out to head over to Anita’s, Pam yelled from her boat, “Oh, is that how you do your laundry now?” I had no idea what she was talking about until I looked over the bow and saw a dirty stinky wet t-shirt dangling from our anchor. You just never know what that anchor might  bring up to surprise you!

In the afternoon, we went off fishing with Pam and Dennis on their Silver Streak boat. I was the “winner” with three catches…2 quillback and one small rock fish which all were released. Also brought up a disgusting plastic bag. Dennis brought up a small rock fish and that was it. Not much luck but great fun. I sure hope David and I can continue fishing once home. I am hooked.

Anita invited us all to her home for wine and cheese and then we made our way down to her dock for barbecued salmon courtesy of Pam and Dennis.  We certainly didn’t let the smoke or the mosquitoes interfere with our good time.

The most enjoyable times of our trip have involved friends and family. Connecting with so many along the way and sharing our adventure with them has been the highlight of this Alaskan adventure. They have all helped to shape our fondest memories.

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