Friday, August 24, 2018

August 19th Rebecca Spit to Squirrel Cove

                                                              Smokey skies

August 19th  Rebecca Spit to Squirrel Cove

We were both sitting in the wheelhouse with no real rush to get going. I was journaling and glanced at David who was a bit antsy. Even after nearly 100 days of boating, David is still like the little boy waiting for the final school bell to ring to signal the start of summer vacation. He is still an eager skipper.

The anchor brought up with it a massive saltwater salad. Had to really work at untangling the kelp from it. The sun was a ball of orange masked by a screen of smoke. We have traded fog for smoke these days. It moved into the harbor yesterday and has lingered. Only looks worse in the direction we are heading.

Our trip to Squirrel Cove took only 3 ½ hours but we encountered a lot of boat traffic especially those small speedy fishing boats. We found an anchor spot perfect for two rafted boats as we await our friends on the Ocean Cape. The smoke followed us.

Our friends, Pam and Dennis, arrived around 3:00 that afternoon and rafted up to us. David had prepared a rib roast and lasagna for dinner and our friend, Anita, who is a Squirrel Cove resident, returned from a family wedding in time to join us. Pam grilled up some asparagus and made a magnificent green salad…what a treat to have fresh vegetables!!!

Sitting up on the Ocean Cape boat deck for hours, we chatted and laughed while enjoying fine wine, a delicious roast and lasagne, and lively conversation. The evening was topped off with David’s tasty pumpkin pie and whipped cream. It was great to be with friends.

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