Monday, July 2, 2018

Day 35 Petersburg to Cannery Cove

June 23rd  Cannery Cove in Pybus Bay

5:45 am departure…54 degrees   cloudy

Experienced a pleasant trip of calm waters. There have only been three occasions when I have been able to sit out on the bow while cruising and not freeze to death. It is one of my favorite things to do. Today I got to do just that and delighted in it. In my sights was a sea lion looking for breakfast and a leaping fish (looked like a salmon) trying hard not to be somebody’s lunch.

The Pybus Point Lodge sits at the entrance into the bay. As we turned into Cannery Cove on Admiralty Island, a bear was spotted on the shore. We anchored without trouble, but soon the winds kicked up and the rain started. But a little rain didn’t keep us from dropping our crab pots and taking a tour of the area. The lodge looked rather substantial with several cabins, dock, and sea plane. Men were working out on the dock, and Dave noticed that they had netting over their faces. We found out why later when we returned to the boat and found a mass of flies on our bow. We buttoned up the boat and managed to keep them outside.

                                                            Pybus Point Lodge

                                                     Our "fish" in the water to stabilize
We spent two days here, and I managed to have a “down day”. David never seems to take a day off. He decided to install our stern camera and screen in the wheelhouse. Now we can see any boats sneaking up on us. David never did like my idea for side view mirrors.

                                                           We're watching you!

We definitely found the “honey pot” for crab! Brought up 15 males and kept 8 for munching…one of the best results of years of crabbing. As we motored to and back from our crab harvest, we observed many small and large, white and orange, jellyfish. They are mesmerizing to watch as they propel themselves through the water.

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