Friday, July 27, 2018

July 25th Petersburg to St John's Harbor

                                                               A last look at Petersburg

July 25th  Petersburg to St. John’s Harbor

Our departure was not until 12:30 today.  We waited for high slack tide in Wrangel Narrows.  It was a warm 68 degrees when we started weaving through green and red markers along the dredged narrows. It was so pleasant that I sat out on the bow for a good chunk of the trip.

                                                       One of many homes along the way

                                                 keeping a close eye on those markers

Passing several homes along the coast, we made good time with a push from the tide.  At 1,000 rpms we topped at 9 knots per hour!  After 3 ½ hours, we anchored in lovely St. John’s Harbor off Sumner Strait. Country ribs had been roasting in the oven, and we had been smelling their goodness along the way. They were delicious!

That evening, I tried my hand at fishing again. Got one tug but whatever it was managed to get away. I really have to work on my technique!  Before heading to bed, we did Facetime with the grand-kids who were all at  the pool on our new property. Temperatures at home have been in the triple digits. We complain when it reaches into the 80’s here in Alaska. Of course, the Alaskans aren’t complaining at all!

When I took the helm during an engine check soon after, we were still being “whirled” about a bit.
We decided not to stop in Coffman Cove for the night.  Clarence Strait was so calm that we wanted to keep on going and get as far as we could that day.  The Strait can be rocky so having the sublimely calm 

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