Monday, July 23, 2018

July 13th Juneau to Swanson Bay

                            Another view of Mendenhall Glacier as we leave Juneau

July 13th  Leaving Juneau

David took the rental car back first thing in the morning. When he returned to the boat, he realized that he still had the keys in his pocket. He had a developed a good rapport with the taxi driver  who drove him back to the boat so gave him a call and asked him to pick up the keys at the Harbor Office and deliver the keys to the airport which he did.

We filled our water tank last night but David forgot to shut off the valve to the hose and the tank was drained overnight. We had to spend time this morning refilling. We didn’t hear the water running probably because of the generator noise.  Keys, water….hmm, this IS Friday the 13th!!

On our way to Swanson Bay we sighted a whale and he flipped his tail at us. What a thrill for Ada!
Ashley has been on the boat twice before and each time, we caught no crab. We were determined to get some for her especially since she got special permission from her OBGYN to have a taste of fresh crab. We dropped our pots over the side of the boat and pulled up a star fish in one and four crabs in the other with one escaping when pulling it up.

Several boats joined us at the dock. One had two girls a bit older than Ada and another had three big golden retrievers. Ada developed an affinity for the young injured dog who stretched out in front of her while she petted and talked to him. Ada came in and got the bag of chocolate chip cookies Pop-Pop had baked earlier and shared them with her new dock friends.

                                                  Big Brother stained our window frames

                                                  Mommy needed some "Me Time"

                                                            Ada and her furry friend

Butch and David enjoyed rousing games of cribbage before calling it a night.

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