Tuesday, July 24, 2018

July 18th A Day in Taku Bay


July 18, 2018

After yesterday’s 10 hour journey, I really needed a day to “regroup”: so convinced David to stay another night. Got lots of “housekeeping” duties done as well as some much needed rest.

David once again tackled our diesel stove taking it completely apart. After two hours of problem solving and grease covered hands, he thinks he has it licked. The stove is pumping away quite nicely,  Fingers crossed.

I took inventory of our refrigerators and freezer. We have plenty of chicken, ground beef and bait to keep us going for quite some time. Really need to do some more fishing. Mike bought a rod while in Sitka and used it on our boat. When we dropped him off at the airport he said to me, “The rod is yours, Pat. Catch some fish!”  What generous souls the Fullaways are. I will definitely try to put that gift to good use. I have grown quite  fond of fishing.
After a time, boats left the dock so we cruised on over and got a spot. When we hauled up the anchor we found the chain wrapped around it with plenty of seaweed for garnish. Once docked, David rigged up a line on the anchor and with some finesse as I operated the anchor winch, we were  able to flip the chain off the anchor without too much trouble. Smart move on David's part.


                                                             Parts of an old cannery

We had a walk-about on shore. There are remnants of an old cannery and pilings from a dilapidated pier. I walked the beach path crunching shells and trying to avoid slippery seaweed while David took the high road. There were parts of machinery artistically placed on stumps and bricks from the old building strewn about. It was quite fun to imagine what it had once been.

Back on the boat I am enjoying my book and listening to music. A huge yacht docked just behind us. We had noticed on our walk that our boat needed to be moved in order to allow more room for other boats. Wanted to be good neighbors. We grabbed our lines and pulled the Belle to the end of the dock. Guess that yacht is lucky we did. My upper arm muscles ached the next morning from all the pulling.

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