Tuesday, July 24, 2018

July 21st Fanshaw Bay to Portage Bay


July 21

Departed 5:40 am   54 degrees  hazy and calm

Yesterday while David was staining Belle's wood sides, he called me outside because he had heard a loud breath from what he determined to be a large animal. I stood watch for a time thinking that it just might be a whale visitor. Instead, two seals revealed themselves letting out a ferocious breath as they surfaced. Not exactly the visitor we were looking for but fun none the less.

We experienced a smooth 3 hour cruise. It was so lovely, that I spent time sitting up on the dodger where the views can be spectacular and you get just a touch of breeze to freshen things up.

At the entrance to Portage Bay we glided over depths as low as 10 feet which was just a bit disconcerting. We had timed it for high tide and knew of the shallow entrance but we still held our breath.

Decided to try my hand at fishing. While patiently waiting for a tug, I saw a big salmon swim by the boat close to the surface. He didn't make it on the end of my line, but I managed to bring up a great looking rock covered in barnacles.

We were the only ones in the bay that night. It was so peaceful and the sun was still so intense at 10 that night.

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