Thursday, June 14, 2018

Day 11 Allison Harbour

May 29th  Allison Harbour for a second day

Our decision to remain here for a second day speaks volumes for the importance of checking and rechecking weather conditions and using more than one source. After reviewing the reports, it was clear that staying put for one more day would be the right decision. We made the most of it.

Sometime during the early morning, David discovered a blockage in the port fuel tank. We had plenty of fuel in the starboard side tank to make it to Shearwater, where fuel would be available, but fixing the problem was priority one.  After considering the possibilities, David went below and turned on the engine, generator, and boiler to create the maximum vacuum possible and, by golly, it worked!  That problem was happily checked off the list.

We partnered up to do some more painting on the boat deck, and David had time to swap out the old winch cable successfully. While David was still up above, and I was in the wheelhouse, a crab boat arrived and was pulling up a stringer with several crab pots attached. There were three on the boat working the crab pots and no one at the wheel. At one point, the crab boat was aimed right for us! David tried to get their attention. One man finally grabbed the wheel avoiding us but passing just feet from our bow. And…they took all the crab! Our pots were crab-less.

                                                           Mighty close

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