Tuesday, June 12, 2018

DAY 3 Pender Harbour to Squirrel Cove


DAY 3: Monday, May 21     7:10 am  58 degrees   Patches of blue sky   calm waters

Pender Harbour to Squirrel Cove in Desolation Sound

We went to our usual pub at the harbor last night, but found it very different and disappointing. There were always crowds of people and often live music. When we arrived, an irritated looking couple were just leaving. There were only two young men sitting on the deck and maybe two couples eating inside. When David went for drinks, the men shared with me that the disgruntled couple left without paying because they got some bad chicken wings. They then suggested that we not order food but instead go across the bay to the Grasshopper Pub. Apparently, our favorite pub has new owners and they were still ironing out all the kinks. We were told that the Grasshopper sits high on a very steep hill, but they have a shuttle that will pick you up at the dock. We called the pub upon arrival, but the shuttle was not available (not the busy season, as yet). David and I took one look at the formidable hill we would have to conquer and decided to just head back to our boat. Munching on cheese, crackers, olives and nuts with a glass of chilled white wine on the bow beat anything we could have done anywhere else.

                                                                 Garden Bay

During our 6 1/2 hour smooth ride today, we managed to get a few chores done. David strung out all the lines and put them in a clorox and softener bath before placing them back in their proper stations on the rails. I certainly appreciated his labors. Those thick heavy lines are sometimes difficult for me to handle, but now they are not so stiff. The fenders (bumpers) were also given a proper scrub and looked much happier for it.

I had a lot of nervous energy so completed my washing of the white railings. What a difference! They gleamed after removing all that dust and grime.

                                                          Working on the lines

We have new walkie talkies which I really like because when David does his engine checks each hour,  I can hit an alarm button which he can hear over the roar of the engine.  I tested it out today while on watch.  I spotted a gaggle of paddle boarders and kayakers crossing the pass where we were headed.  I slowed down but realized that there was going to be much more maneuvering than I thought I could handle, so I hit the buzzer and up came David from the bowels of the boat..instant relief. I need to have that buzzer at home!

We easily anchored  in Squirrel Cove. We usually tie up at our friend, Anita's, dock but her skiff was tied up there and there was not enough room for the Belle. We weren't sure if she had made it home from Kamloops as yet, but got a phone call from her soon after we arrived.  We took our skiff on over to visit with her and checked out her new home.  We have seen it in many stages before she was able to move in last March. It was wonderful to see all the progress. She has made it quite cozy and there are touches of Anita everywhere on the property from daffodils, herbs, driftwood collections, seashells, wind chimes and log planters.  She now has a dog, Wiser, who is a wonderful companion.

                                                                Anita and Wiser

David had been thinking about clamming on the shore near Anita's dock all day.  After our visit, we stumbled over cracked oyster shells and rocks on the beach to get to our digging spot. We were lucky to harvest quite a few clams before heading back to the boat.  Last night we feasted on steamed clams and today, it will be clam chowder.

                                                                     Determined digging

                                                                       Our reward

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