Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Day 20 Khutze Bay to Lowe Inlet

June 7th   6:30 departure  46 degrees  raining


We had a very long day of boating.  It took us 8 ½ hours to reach our bedtime spot. We traveled through Tolmie Channel to Fraser Reach and then on to McKay Reach. Passing by Butedale, we snapped a shot of the cannery buildings now in disrepair and the beautiful falls just outside the bay. We understand that there is someone attempting to bring it all back to its former self, but progress is slow. We commented that, if given the chance, we would like to explore it on our way down.

Our cruising was smooth as could be until we hit choppy Wright Sound. Behind us was the Grand Banks “Armada” but they did not shadow us. Once we arrived in Grenville Channel, it was smooth sailing again. While in the Sound, Dave’s iPhone “dinged”. That’s our signal that we have cell coverage but never knowing how long it will last. We always quickly send off texts to our kids. You never know when you are going to hear the next “ding”.

                                                         Another view of Khutze Falls

It is very common to run across the same boats at different anchorages along the way. The Lady Anne was at Khutze with us for one night, and we spotted her on our starboard side as we cruised along today. The owner hailed us on the radio and chatted with us for about 10 minutes. He started out by saying, “That is one beautiful looking boat!”  He had our attention. They pulled in to Lowe Inlet last night but were too tired to take us up on our invitation for a drink on the Belle. Plus, it was pouring down rain. Don’t blame them for wanting to avoid the downpour and stay dry and cozy in the Lady Anne. Hopefully, we will meet them face to face somewhere along our route to Alaska.

The winds were brutal that night. We could see the Lady Anne doing circles. The Belle was in a much better spot so didn't get hit quite as hard.  Later we heard that winds reached gusts to 50 mph.

Covered 57 nautical miles today.  We were exhausted but managed to chow down on fresh crab.

                                                           Another spectacular falls

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