Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Day 23 Port Simpson to Foggy Bay

June 10th  4:30 departure   50 degrees


I must confess that I have not yet witnessed a sunset. It has continued to remain light until around 10:00 (so I am told) and that’s just too late for me. We are both having difficulty sleeping and it may just be that our inner clocks are in shock. Our circadian rhythms have been disrupted…switched from a soothing waltz to a pounding heavy metal beat. Hoping it will not take us long to adjust.

However, I have seen plenty of sunrises. My husband is a morning person and winds and waves are usually more calm in the early mornings, so we have had several back to back early wake up  calls. We were both awake at 1:15 this morning, and David suggested a 3:00 am departure. I just groaned and rolled over. David was up and dressed at 3:15, and his first mate reluctantly reported for duty around 4:00.

We left the stabilizers down the entire journey, and we are convinced that they greatly contributed to our comfortable crossing even though they did slow us down a bit. Open ocean greeted us once again in the Dixon Pass but we sailed through nicely.

I have been observing two transient spiders who have set up residence just outside our wheelhouse windows. How these intrepid stowaways and their webs survive the wind gusts and downpours, I haven’t a clue.

                                                                 Spiders love our boat!

We are now anchored in Foggy Bay, a cozy jumping off point for Ketchikan in the morning. We called US Customs last night and asked permission to anchor here since we are now in the U.S.  At first the agent thought we were calling from Ketchikan and said, “This must be your first time doing this.”  She laughed when David said, "How can you tell?"  When he informed her that we were in Port Simpson not Ketchikan and that we would be in Foggy Bay entering the USA tomorrow night, all was well. We think she was prepared to "scold " us for not following the rules but we surprised her.

The customs agent took all our information over the phone and instructed us to call again when we were at the fuel dock in Ketchikan. The book says that we will be boarded by US Customs, but several people have told us they have just called in their docking location and that was it. We will soon find out.

We finally had strong cell coverage yesterday, I turned on my phone and found a message stating that someone in Riverside California was attempting to access my iPhone account. It suggested I change my password. I thought I had accomplished that when first notified of the unauthorized New Brunswick attempt to use my account. I have actually changed my password four times while on this trip. At least  I thought I had. Frustrating. Hoping that once we are in Ketchikan, I will be able to straighten all of this out. Technology…ain’t it fun.

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