Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Day 21 Lowe Inlet to Lewis Island

June 8th  Bryan’s 38th birthday 

  left at 6:30 am  47 degrees


Hallelujah!  Woke up to our first patch of blue sky and no rain in 10 days!!!  What a welcome sight. Our 6 hour journey was blessed with smooth waters and almost no rain.  So marvelous to again see the sunshine on the steep mountains’ carpet of trees. We even “rode the wave” getting up to 8.8 knots. Cowabunga!

We had a rough night of winds and heavy rains last night. We put out our stabilizers to help stop the rocking. While David was up on the boat deck getting everything prepared to drop the “flopper stoppers”, there were two fierce gusts of wind which definitely got his attention. For whatever reason, we both didn’t sleep well last night. Hope to change that tonight.

As soon as I stepped out to launch the anchor, strong winds and sprinkles began. Hope it doesn’t get worse.

                                                             Beautiful blue sky!

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